The guide lines set down by the Health organization were followed and the Dinner Theater was shut down. That was around March 17th of 2020. The Mystery Cafe tried to reopen in 2020. There was even one rehearsal for the Christmas show. It was decided again, that the Mystery Cafe should be shut down. It is 2021 now and it is time to have fun again. Because of that decision, the Mystery Cafe has reopened. But COVID has not left the stage so Social Distancing and Mask wearing is still a part of the show.
The Mystery Cafe has missed all of you because you make us laugh. It is so much fun watching you play parts in our show. The restaurant where we have the show, the Library Restaurant & Pub. was more than happy for us to return to the scene of the crime, uh I mean party.
The ticketing agency that ran the shopping Cart on our Web page did not survive COVID. A brand new one had to be located and installed. It is a good transition. There were a couple of bumps along the way but we are good to go.
There has been a few procedures that when we were doing the show pretty regularly, there was no problem doing them. Now that we are returning there are things to relearn. For instance, the photos from the shows we have done so far in 2021 were deleated instead of saved. "ahhhhh." All attempts to retrieve them have been futile. The photos have been murdered.
Costumes, props, sound equipment have been sitting in multiple locations. They had to be rounded up. One prop in particular has not been found in the reopen. A replacement will have to be found. With the reopen another part of the show is you. Don't stay lost on me.
Joe Strange, Owner, Mystery Cafe